Raising concerns

Raising a safeguarding alert

A situation which is identified as warranting a safeguarding alert from or to health services must be locally managed through the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) or Integrated Care System (ICS) designated safeguarding professional and the CCG Chief Nurse, or equivalent.

Given the increasing confidence in local, ICS and regional safeguarding partnerships we will support every region to optimise existing safeguarding governance and partnership processes for the benefit of the citizen, including the Child Protection-Information Sharing (CP-IS), Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH), statutory duty officers, local safeguarding partnerships and local police processes.

NHS Safeguarding will support a case-discussion template, as below, which is underpinned with strength-based approaches to supporting and empowering the person requiring safeguarding.

Options with local practitioners, designated professionals and named practitioners

Designated professionals must evaluate the case with their local multiagency safeguarding network and clearly identify what action may have already been taken by the Local Authority (LA) as well as any and all services likely to come in contact with the citizen.

But we must consider wider services and community assets:

It is always better to have discussion and decision making on safeguarding with several professionals, especially professionals within the MASH.

Professional curiosity questions might include:

In the case of a child or unborn child, the designated professional should ensure with LA partners that the CP-IS system is utilised to alert health partners to any risks or issues.

The local multi-agency network including the GP and any health and care provider with an active care plan should decide what, if any, further action will be necessary and what role health may need to undertake in the agreed actions.

For the protection of adults at risk of harm, health services must ensure that they utilise local and multi-agency networks as effectively as possible.

Health professionals should be cognisant of data protection issues and the rights of individuals and work effectively with safeguarding partners to get the best outcomes, within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and advice from the relevant Senior Information Responsible Officer (SIRO).

Robust records of all conversations and decisions are strongly recommended.

The Regional Safeguarding Lead is available to be a listening ear and critical friend to discuss and explore all possible options for making connections, internal to health but also across partner organisations.